My last challenge before I officially become a KBB member. Nervous yet excited hopefully I will pass this challenge.
Torta Pasqualina, to be honest, I never heard about it. I only know Pizza & Godfather Movie when it comes to Italy

You-tubing how to make it, most of the videos in italian. I Don't understand the language, but at least I know how to do it and hopefully, I got it right.
I used the recipe provided by the Host. And for this challenge, I only used half of the recipe since I'm not really confidence in making pastry. -- My weakness I'm not good in kneading

Here's the recipe for Torta Pasqualina.
Torta Pasqualina
> > Source: Old Time Cooking Recipes
> >
> > Ingredients:
> > DOUGH:
> > 600 g (1 lb 5 oz) white flour
> > 6 Tbs olive oil
> > a pinch of salt
> >
> > 1 kg (2 lb) Swiss chard (silver beet) or spinach
> > 400 g (0.9 lb) cottage cheese/ricotta cheese
> > 100 g (3.5 oz) parmesan
> > 10 eggs
> > 2 teaspoons marjoram, chopped
> > 2 teaspoons parsley, chopped
> > garlic, minced (optional)
> > olive oil
> > salt, pepper
> >
> > Preparation:
> > 1. DOUGH:
> > -Combine flour, oil, a pinch of salt and enough cold water to make a
> > medium soft dough.
> > -Knead well for 10 minutes or until the dough becomes elastic.
> > -Divide the dough into 14 balls.
> > -Cover with cloth and let stand for about 1 hour.
> >
> > 2. FILLING:
> > -Clean, wash and dry the Swiss chard.
> > -Place in a saucepan with little boiling water and cook at high heat
> > until wilted.
> > -Cool, then squeeze out excess liquid and chop finely.
> > -Add 50 g (1.7 oz) parmesan cheese, marjoram, parsley, garlic and 2 eggs. Season with salt and pepper.
> >
> > 3. Oil a round shallow oven dish, 9 inches (22 cm) in diameter.
> >
> > 4. Flatten each piece of dough, one at a time, making each a very thin disk, larger than the baking pan you are going to use.
> >
> > 5. Lay the pastry on the oven dish, allowing it to flow over the
> > edges. Oil it lightly.
> >
> > 6. Place another disk over it and repeat until you have used 7 disks.
> >
> > 7. Spread the Swiss chard stuffing over the dough, and then spread the cottage cheese over the greens level with a knife.
> >
> > 8. Make 8 small cavities. Pour a raw egg into each cavity and sprinkle each with salt, pepper and remaining parmesan cheese.
> >
> > 9. Cover the whole lot with the same number of pastry sheets, each brushed with oil.
> >
> > 10. Pinch the borders and trim the excess dough, prick the top of the pie in a few places and then brush with oil.
> >
> > 11. Bake for 1 hour in 190 C (375 F) oven. Allow to rest before
> > removing from the cake tin
Below the ingredients for Torta Pasqualina

The Dough Making
While kneading the dough, I was worried that the pastry might turn wrong, since I'm not really good in kneading. But, this is the reason why I join KBB - to improve my skill in Baking. If the pastry turns wrong then I need to do it all over again - more practice!

The Filling Making
It's not too difficult to make the filling. Basically you just boiled the silverbeet in high heat for few minutes until wilted, cool it down, squeeze the excess liquid, chopped then put the rest ingredients and mix it.

After waiting dough ready for 30minutes, then it's about time to play with it. I took one ball then flatten the dough as thinner as I can. And voila... Everything run perfectly **yay**...

Lay the pastry on the oven dish, until 3 disks used.

After 3 disks ready on the oven dish, I spread the filling evenly. Then covered with cottage cheese. Next, I made 2 holes then pour a raw egg in each hole and seasoned with salt and pepper and sprinkle with remaining parmesan cheese.

After the filling ready, then I do the same thing again with the dough. Flattened the dough, lay on the oven dish until 3 disks remaining used. Once it's done, then fold the excess pastry, I use fork to make it look nice.

Bake for 30 minutes, and once it ready, let it rest before removing from the oven dish.
And now, here's the Torta Pasqualina
First time, ate Torta Pasqualina and I have to say that the taste is Delizioso !!
And I passed the challenge !!

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